Migration of $KEL BEP-20 and ERC-20 Tokens to New Smart Contracts Launched
How to migrate tokens:
1. Go to: migrate.kelvpn.com
2. Connect your wallet
3. If necessary, switch network in Metamask to BSC or Ethereum
4. Select the amount of $KEL you want to migrate
5. Click the “Migrate” button
6. Wait for the transaction to complete and click the “Claim” button
7. Get updated tokens instantly
New BEP-20 smart contract address: 0x76E8e912097F0E6b81cab73147161bb616dF1D7d
ERC-20: 0xDA6A3876AD460194Cd7bA28062D838C98Ee2fD1d
Reasons to migrate:
- It’s easy.
- You get a bonus for early migration!
- $KEL token migration is required if you plan to participate in the LP staking program in the future.
The $KEL LP staking program is currently under development. We will announce the launch separately. Follow our updates!
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